This live hangout started at 10pm London time on January 11, 2019. For technical reasons I was unable to edit it on-line to my satisfaction, so it was edited off-line and reuploaded on January 15, 2019.
There was the typical disappointingly small turnout, but there was quite a bit of interaction, not all of it flattering! As well as whining about my health or lack thereof, I mentioned the sentencing of Sabine McNeill. I will cover this in depth at a later date.
It is clear, to me at least, that although false allegations of sexual harassment (as well as truthful ones) emanate overwhelmingly from women, they can be and are used by men.
The Clarence Thomas hearings have to be the classic example of that. Democratic politics were so determined to keep a black conservative off the Supreme Court - even one who had married white - that they brought in Anita Hill to poison the proceedings with spurious allegations of sexual harassment from the time the two had worked together. They failed. Twenty-seven years later, senior Democrats of both sexes disgraced themselves when they brought forward Christine Blasey Ford and encouraged others to make allegations against Brett Kavanagh that were an order of magnitude worse.
Trawling and weaponisation go together: the former can be legitimate; the latter never are. I discussed police trawling, taking other offences into consideration, gate arrest. I included examples of actual valid trawls: Harold Shipman and Daniel Holtzclaw.
I explained how police trawls if conducted incorrectly can generate numerous false allegations. I gave examples of trawls from the False Rape Timeline, specifically Jimmy Savile, advertisements from “Inside Time”, and the shysters Leigh Day. Gloria Allred is classified here as a media trawl, clearly as she is not a proper lawyer.
False confessions and the bandwagon effect are mentioned. The false allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain. The cases of Rolf Harris and Dave Lee Travis are mentioned, the latter involved a woman whose false historical allegation was traduced when someone came forward with contemporaneous video.
Allred’s encouraging demented hags to accuse Bill Cosby. I played a bit of Linda Ridgeway Whitedeer making her laughable false allegation.
The false allegations against Judge Roy Moore, in particular the false allegation and false instrument adduced by Beverly Nelson Young, Beverly Young Nelson, or whatever that hag’s name is.
Harvey Weinstein, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Kevin Spacey are all given a mention.
I did not cover statutes of limitations, really this subject deserves a live hangout in its own right. Along with alcohol and drugs, purported delay in reporting rape is responsible for the overwhelming majority of false allegations.
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